Sunday, June 21, 2015

22 June 1991


To the man that I adore,

Today ( as if 22nd is today) u turn to 24 years old dear ** big claps and virtual hugs** We celebrated our birthdays for 3 consecutive years. I never imagine our relationship will last this long. Hopefully this relationship will last forever.

Thank you for always be at my side when I really in need. Honestly i never felt this kind of feeling to any man ( except family). Allah really makbulkan my du'a, when you 'proposed' for the first time.
P/s: do you still remember how and when u "proposed" me? haha oh God *malu* Not sure if u remembered it clearly but i did.

Time flies really way too fast! This year will be our fourth year and surely will keep counting. Sorry for the chaos and dramas i made previously previously previously and previously * you know girl is like this mehh = the attention seeker.

Hope all our wishes will come true and may Allah ease our good plan.  xoxo

Saturday, November 10, 2012

miss the time we spent together. weee

Hmmm. Dah lama x update blog ouh! Heee.
Perhaps No one wants to read this neither i. heh!

                                          SPOT THE TEETH. EKEKEKE

                Just nak cakap RINDU KORANG LA WEHHHHH..  

Friday, September 7, 2012

journey is knowledge - DAY 2

Introducing our best driver. Mr. Mahdi ! =)

 2nd day- melawat nelayan(?) tapi malangnya nelayan xde. yela dtg pukul 9 nelayan nak ada apanya kan. semua dah ke laut! BTW lokasi ini ialah laut tawar atau danau yakni tasik.

kemudian ke sekolah dasar. macam sekolah tadika mungkin.

with the cikgu2.. ada 1 cikgu tu kata  ' tinggal la sini mau di buat menantu. WAW! '  LOL


#post ni dah lama kat draft cuma x publish jek. hikhik 

so disebabkan malas yang melampau2, day 3, 4 ,5 and 6. aku malas nk tulis. HAHA. maaf yer sape yg suruh tulis. Bukan tak ada masa nak tulis tapi saja2 buat xde masa nak tulis. super duper malas.



 Last day ! bye Acheh. InsyaAllah panjang umur boleh datang lagi ! :)

 AWESOME ! 21st bday in Aceh was awesome. Thanks friends ! Love you guys <3>